> You are right, but from fig 2 of the paper can see, that mc and value
> network should give similar results:
> 70% value network should be comparable to 60-65% MC winrate from this
> paper, usually expected around move 140 in a "human expert game" (what
> ever this means in this figure :)

Thanks, that makes sense.

>>> Assuming that is an MCTS estimate of winning probability, that
>>> 70% sounds high (i.e. very confident);
>> That tweet says 70% is from value net, not from MCTS estimate.

I guess I need to go back and read the AlphaGo papers again; I thought
it was still an MCTS program at the top-level, and the value network was
being used to influence the moves the tree explores. But from this, and
some other comments I've seen, I have the feeling I've misunderstood.


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