6D out of the blue is no mean achievement,...  60+ years ago, the
market for gizmos in UK was flooded with cheap Japanese copies of
European products; but whilst innovation and product quality
improvement by European manufacturers faded as their fat cat owners
complacently went cocacola-soaked soft,  Japanese industry, unlike its
USA counterpart, was listening attentively to the wise words of
W.Edwards Deming (eg [1,2]) and beginning to improve the reliability,
efficiency and efficacy of its products, and by about 30 years ago,
Japanese engineering was the equal or better of even German

Korean, Formosan and Hong Kong e-tigers followed hotfoot in Japan's
footsteps, and now the same thing is happening in China, so we can
expect to see a vast array of Shanghai-teenager-bedroom-produced
shanghaied miniclones of Alpha, most with unimaginative copycat names
like Beta, Eta, Theta, AIota etc, skulking around the corridors of the
Internet, all of which will at first be cheap imitations, but sowing
the seeds of in-house and inter-house R&D quality circles, so that
their own descendants will before very long become to Californian IT
as Japanese fuel-efficient reliable engines are to US unreliable

Watch out Google Cloud byte-guzzlers, teenage rebels with the lessons
of Deming in their notebooks, who have learned from history and from
the sterling modus operandi of Steve Jobs and Uncle Tom Cobley et al,
are on their way up your Jacob's ladder...

1.  Charles A. Barclay (1993) Quality Strategy and TQM Policies:
Empirical Evidence.
MIR: Management International Review Vol. 33, Strategic Quality Management.

>> Anybody knows who is the author of BetaGo? It is playing with account
>> GoBeta on KGS, and is 6d.
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