On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 3:52 PM, Dave Dyer <dd...@real-me.net> wrote:

> Character encoding (usually UTF8 these days) ought not to be part of
> the standard, it ought to be up to the containing file to describe the
> encoding at that level.    Likewise, nothing in the standard ought to
> require support for particular character sets. Rather, if a sgf record
> contains an unsupported character set, it will fail at the "reading"
> phase, independent of the actual contents of the file.
> I've used sgf as a general format for more than 70 different games,
> as well as Go, and I only treat it as a rough guide.  I use a generic
> read/write process that doesn't care about the content, and any sensible
> user of the "standard" ought to do likewise.
> The details of what properties exist and how they are used is always
> going to be a negotiation between content originators and third party
> consumers.
Since character set is a defined property, my main issue in writing a
parser is assumptions until finding that property.

I would prefer we define a default that will apply until that property is
found.  Currently, I use UTF8 which has worked so far.  I reopen the file
with the defined character set (if supported) when I hit that property and
restart the parse.

I'm glad to see that there is still discussion on the format.

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