On 19-06-17 17:38, Vincent Richard wrote:

> During my research, I’ve trained a lot of different networks, first on
> 9x9 then on 19x19, and as far as I remember all the nets I’ve worked
> with learned quickly (especially during the first batches), except the
> value net which has always been problematic (diverge easily, doesn't
> learn quickly,...) . I have been stuck on the 19x19 value network for a
> couple months now. I’ve tried countless of inputs (feature planes) and
> lots of different models, even using the exact same code as others. Yet,
> whatever I try, the loss value doesn’t move an inch and accuracy stays
> at 50% (even after days of training). I've tried to change the learning
> rate (increase/decrease), it doesn't change. However, if I feed a stupid
> value as target output (for example black always win) it has no trouble
> learning.
> It is even more frustrating that training any other kind of network
> (predicting next move, territory,...) goes smoothly and fast.
> Has anyone experienced a similar problem with value networks or has an
> idea of the cause?

1) What is the training data for the value network? How big is it, how
is it presented/shuffled/prepared?

2) What is the *exact* structure of the network and training setup?

My best guess would be an error in the construction of the final layers.

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