Hi Pasky,

The winners of Denseisen (professionals or the authors) will get the 
prize money: 100,000 or 200,000 yen for the winner of the first or 
second game (Ishida 9p versus the second or first place program of UEC 
Cup), respectively.

#Since 2009 I brought my laptop to the venue and connected to Zen 
(actually a pc cluster at my room) through the Internet.  Oversea 
entrants also use remote connections.


Petr Baudis: <20121122232017.gg7...@machine.or.cz>:
>  Hi!
>On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 11:32:24AM +0900, Hideki Kato wrote:
>> BTW, the official announce of "Denseisen" has been released. 
>> http://entcog.c.ooco.jp/entcog/densei/ (in J) and
>> a pdf file for press. 
>> http://entcog.c.ooco.jp/entcog/densei/Release20121120.pdf (in J)
>> Denseisen is the name of a serie of (handicap) games between 
>> professional players and computer players under the contract between 
>> Nihon Ki-in (Ichigaya, Tokyo) and UEC (The University of 
>> Electro-Communications, Chofu, Tokyo).  The contract is valid for five 
>> years.  Note that Denseisen is an "offical" serie.
>> #For Denseisen.  The "den", "sei" and "sen" mean electric or electronic, 
>> saint and match, respectively.  Similar to well-known "Kiseisen", in 
>> which "Kisei" means a saint of Go (or Shogi) where "saint" suggests 
>> almost the God level.  Historically, there is a word "Kensei" where 
>> "ken" and "sei" mean sword and saint.  The title "Kensei" is used 
>> for the very excellent swordmen for long years in Japan and is still 
>> well known.  Hence, "Densei" is created as the title for very excellent 
>> computer Go players.
>> The first match will be held on March 20th, 2013 (a Spring holiday) at 
>> UEC.  Two games are planned.  The professional player for both is Shuho 
>> Ishida 24th Hon'inbo (Yoshio Ishida 9p).  The computer players are 
>> the 1st and 2nd places of the Sixth UEC Cup, which will be held on 
>> March 16th and 17th, 2013.  Handicaps will be studied after the UEC 
>> Cup.
>> Nihon Ki-in: http://www.nihonkiin.or.jp/index-e.htm
>> UEC: http://www.uec.ac.jp/eng/
>  That is mighty awesome, thank you so much for sharing this news!
>Participation in UEC Cup seems suddenly to be something to consider
>much more seriously!
>  If I read Google Translate output right, there is also prize 100,000
>and 200,000 yen for the matches; is this something the winner of the
>Densei match receives, or is placement in the UEC Cup enough (i.e. just
>qualifying for the Densei match)? This could at least cover any travel
>expenses, and seems to be after long time first open computer Go match
>with significant financial reward.
>  P.S.: In UEC cup, do you bring the whole cluster in the playing room,
>or does Zen run only on a single computer? :-)
>                               Petr "Pasky" Baudis
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