On 24.10.2014 00:17, Peter Drake wrote:
An eye is a vacant point, surrounded [orthogonally] by stones of the same
color, that can only be filled by simultaneously capturing all of the
surrounding stones.

If it can be filled by the opponent, then it is not an eye.

If it can be filled by the player, then maybe because suicide is allowed.

"capture" is less suitable than "removal".

"surrounded" is less exact than "adjacent and only adjacent to".

"empty" is more common than "vacant".


Hence your attempt does not serve its purpose.


The safe way to define single point eye is to ignore the seki case and do the following:

First define two-eye-formation

then [but why?] define [single point] eye as "one of the empty intersections of a two-eye-formation".

For sekis, matters are much more complicated but solved.


> I'm writing up some "how to play Go" flyers

Japanese rules? You might use the Simplified Japanese Rules.

> Under AGA (and, I think, Chinese) rules, confused players
> can always keep going until all eyes are one-point eyes.

So they can do under Japanese rules. So this is of course no reason not to use area scoring rules.


robert jasiek

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