Hi all,

yesterday Stefan Kaitschick and me performed an experiment in computer-aided
go on KGS. Stefan played in normal human mode. But I (being a 17-kyu) had an
electronic helper: CrazyStone-2012, running on a semi-slow notebook. When
it was my turn I started the analysis mode of CS and selected - after 10 to
30 seconds of computing time - one of its top candidate moves.

sgf of the single game can be downloaded from
gogonuts is Stefan's account, GoIngo is mine.

In the beginning, things seemed to run well for my side. But then
CS and I lost - step by step - control of the situation. To my horror,
the CS-histogram which shows the distribution of scores for the playouts
developed multiple peaks: always a sign that there are several
unsettled semeais on the board.  We lost with drums and trumpets...

Unfortunately, I can not append photos here in the mailing list.
So, for watching them you have to look at
There you can click the photos in the appendix.

The first photo shows the situation on my office desk.
The others have the analysis screen at different moments of the game -
the multiple peaks (despite their horror for my side) look somewhat nice.

Let me close with a Christmas wish to Rémi Coulom:
CrazyStone is a nice commercial program. Please, make it even nicer
by including an analysis mode which needs only very few key klicks.


PS. I am aware about the gmx-mail-problems with this mailing list.
I tried to create a new account for me - with a mailing address from
another provider. But I never got a reply, and the list also does not accept 
postings from that address.
Computer-go mailing list

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