EULA's get into contract law not criminal law.

What is a contract worth if you are not going to keep it. Or to echo Tom's word, is it just a business decision.

Would you want to shop at a grocery store where they view contracts as something only to be kept if it is to their advantage?

Would you want to eat at a restaurant if they decided to keep the health regulations if it was only to their advantage?

It comes down to a matter of ethics.

Can I name you a number of companies that have shown a lack of ethics because they made business decisions? (Tyco, Cendant, Adelphia, Enron, MCI/Worldcom to name a few of the better ones.)

Now the corollary comes up, what is the ethical standard of an EULA that restricts the software from being used in a normally useful and seemingly legal way?

It is an ethical minefield out there.

Just remember this old axiom. Two wrongs don't make a right, but two Wrights made an airplane.


At 12:36 PM 5/25/2007, you wrote:
>So, my question is: What, precisely, are all the things that could go wrong,
>were I to violate the EULA?

Have we gotten to the point where every crime is just another a business
decision? If the benefit exceeds the fine or the probability of getting
caught is not high then is there anything you would not do?

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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