Questions on spam (assuming this message gets through): Suppose I receive a spam message with a forged but legitimate "From" address, and then I report that message as spam to the email service provider. Will that cause legitimate email messages from that legitimate "From" address to be identified also as spam? I realize this is a general and vague question, but really, is it better to report spam or just delete it? Note: The messages I'm referring to are phishing messages with fraudulent links where what you see is not what you get, for example, <a href="http://[evil-domain-name]/update.html";>https://[legit-domain-name]/IdentityManagement/</a>. I hate this. I also hate the volume of stupid spam that clogs dummy accounts I set up just to observe the situation and observe the changing techniques, but that's a different issue.

BTW, I also got a spam message with an evil link exhorting me to download Tor. What can anyone tell me about Tor itself?

Thanks in advance.


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