The more sophisticated units often have self-test circuitry even if
the unit is setup to be monitored by a connected computer; this may
relate to the 2-4 AM thing. The other issue might be a failing
battery. They do wear out. I have 2 TrippLite 1000VA units that have a
real time read-out for the line voltage. They were about $100 the last
time I saw one at Costco.


> I know UPS issues have been covered in the past. As many of you may know, I'm
> an advocate of using them. Recently (within the past 2 weeks!) we have begun
> having UPS issues:
> To wit: Sometimes, in the middle of the night (2 am - 4 am), two of our UPS's
> begin to click / beep. Not sound an alarm, mind you, just to click / beep
> quietly in a rhythmic pattern. I cannot find reference to what this might 
> mean,
> though I think it means that the circuit being used is "browning out" power 
> and
> the UPS is making up the missing power.
> Last night this happened at about 11 pm!!!
> Eventually, the UPS's (we have many, but only two are involved in this
> situation) begin to blare. Then everything shuts down and they continue to 
> blare
> until reset and recharged.
> This is a very frustrating situation as it only affects two of our 4 UPS
> units (all in the same room, but possibly on separate circuits). It is also
> happening to a neighbor!!!!! Same scenario. Only our UPS's are far enough 
> away that
> they don't wake us. Hers, sadly, wakes her when it begins to scream. (Please
> don't ask about the 2 am - 4 am thing. I sometimes work late into the
> night/morning.)
> We can tell when this scenario has occurred because a telephone answering
> machine ceases to work, and because my iMac is turned off. There are two UPS
> units involved. One has only the telephone answering machine plugged into its
> battery back-up sockets, and the other has only my iMac connected to its 
> battery
> back-up sockets. Dedicated UPS's if you will. It is unclear if these are on 
> the
> same circuit breaker or not. It's also weird that sometimes one of the UPS's
> is affected, and sometimes both of them are affected at the same time.
> I have searched for references to sounds made by APC UPS units without
> success. These units are all relatively new (a higher capacity one was 
> purchased
> last week for my computer in the hope that would help resolve the problem 
> with my
> computer shutting down, but to no avail), and their batteries should be in
> good condition.
> Any help / advice / would be appreciated.

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended
up where I needed to be."
  - Douglas Adams

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