"I do not know anyone who bought a Mac to mostly run Windows, so how
the possibility of running Windows skew the numbers?  Have you
discovered a secret cabal of Mac owners who mostly run Windows?"  

I bought a dual-boot Mac so I could run Windows on it, as well as Mac.
I needed Dragon Naturally Speaking, and that's only available on
Windows.  (When I'm not using Dragon, I'm on the Mac side doing other

Except for wanting Dragon, I was perfectly happy with the computer
resources I had (Mac); but I really wanted voice recognition and I knew
Dragon was good.  Fabulous, actually.  If I had been able to test-drive
iListen (voice recognition software for Mac), and if it had worked out,
I wouldn't have touched Windows OS with a barge pole. (I have to cope
with it at work, and that is quite enough.)

--Constance Warner

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