Tom Piwowar
>>I have recently started using iTunes to rip CD's. The drive
>>itself is fine, I can look at DVD's with no problem,
>>CD's & iTunes are another issue.
>>It's not unusual for me to have to reboot.  Force quit...
>>I started doing this after I installed Leopard.

BTW, I also have problems when trying to close iTunes.
Sometimes all there is the beach ball.

There can be an issue with using the optical drive with
DVD's.  If the DVD player and Handbrake want access, things
seem to get confused and nothing happens<grimace>.

> Anyone who thinks they are going to bring off a large
> project after installing dot zero software is just being
> silly. The only reason to rush out to install dot zero
> software is to have a few weeks/months of entertainment
> discovering bugs. You should focus on enjoying that. Plan
> to start your big project in Jan or Feb '08.

This is actually part of a much larger project -- throwing
crap out and cleaning house<big grin>.  I'll be keeping the
CD's in binders and tossing the jewel boxes.  Also piles of
thin jewel boxes I bought to put DVD's I made in.  Unless I
can find another use for them, I'll be giving them to charity
or for sale.  The bit about ripping them is just to make it
easier to access the tunes.

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
I've never seen so damn many Indians.  --G.A. Custer

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