>To support Betty, I always understood that the transition from analog to CD
>resulted in a loss of details that any fan (for ex of the Beatles) would 
>notice on DC if they were used to listening to a good condition LP on a 
>decent stereo.

Back when I wasn't a geezer getting a new LP was a big deal. I was always 
careful that the first play would be under ideal listening conditions 
because, even though I had a high-end Miracord turntable and a high-end 
Pickering cartridge, the second play was never quite as good as the first 
play. Things I could hear on the first play were not there on the second 
play. Play after play there would be less and less music on the LP. 

Tape was better. It did not degrade as quickly, but tape does degrade too.

CDs, when cared for, were the first medium where the 1000th play was as 
good as the first play. Maybe the first play of an LP would be a bit 
better, but I can't see tossing LPs after just one play. I'm not that 

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