On Jan 11, 2008, at 12:30 PM, mike wrote:

She claims we've used 1/3 of the total of earth's natural resource. In her fancy graphic she shows things like trees being cut down...wow a third of all forests are decimated? In 3 decades? wow. Oh wait...forested areas have remained relatively stable since the early 1900's since companies that log these forests know that if you don't plant also they would have been out
of business in 1909.

Wow, no only if the decimation of forest lands and the percentage of those in question related to the USA. Ain't stats wonderful? Relatively stable since the early 1900's? What a joke when it comes to stats. Yes, they have replaced some of the forest taken down when it is to the profit of the company owning or leasing the land for long periods. Of course it took years to realize you can't deforest and only replace with trees that are more profitable. Didn't the Irish potato famine teach them anything? I agree, she's probably misinterpreting facts in some peoples eyes, but when doesn't this occur when $ are involved? 1/3 of the total earths natural resource? That's a joke! It's probably only about 50% of the resource actual humans need to survive. I wish they'd make these distinctions clear. I've long been a believer that once the planet gets tired of us it will just basically shake us off as we do a bad cold. The planet can take care of itself. Of course on the other hand that doesn't say much for our survival here. But being the arrogant users we are we tend to ignore things that slap us in the face.

 Since no one really knows for sure how much coal or
oil or natural gas lies under ground it's hard to pinpoint using 1/3 of it
in the last 30 years.

Ok, if we only used 25% if it in the last 30 years, what's your point? Under the current level of usage, especially by China, that we've got a good 50-75 years left of coal? If so, then who cares right?

 She also states offhandedly that almost 50% of the
federal budget goes to military.

Here again, she's wrong. It's much higher. I"m gon't going to do your work for you, but just google it and look at all different sources. And keep in mind, military budget doesn't just cover the cost of a sidewinder missile. It's the whole infrastructure both here and all our bases else where. Any guess as to how many of those there are? And I haven't even started on military funding of other countries. Israel is just a drop in the bucket.

 Most estimates point closer to 20% even
with adjustments made for bush's war(s).

        Please offer links and/or reference to these "most estimates".

   This is all in the first few
minutes of her introduction. Are things like oil resources and natural gas finite? Sure. I'm all for using alternative energy, anything dumping crap into the air, we should find cleaner ways. I just prefer facts, If you have to convince me with half truths and exaggerations I'll be cynical of your argument. She likes the word crisis...said the same in newsweek in the
seventies when global cooling was the 'crisis'.

Again, you seem to proclaim you don't believe in statements without facts, but you've made nothing but that. If you want to be believed, reference your material.

Jeff M


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