For Studio 360:
at the top or bottom of this page:
click on Show Archives. You'll get this page:
I clicked on the Tesla show there, and then on download mp3 and started a download. Also on the archives page, you can click on 2007 and get all those shows the same way. The same is true for 2006. I noticed the reference to Audible for 2001, so you can check the other years.
I hope this helps


Stephen Meskin wrote:
I have just investigated the podcast site for one program I really like, Studio 360. I can download MP3 files for Feb 8, 15 and 22 but if click Feb 1 or earlier, I can either listen to it then and there on the computer or I am directed to which seems to be a fee based operation. It seems strange that I can listen a program but not capture it.

The Studio 360 podcast site ( gives links to 8 different podcatchers one of which is iTunes plus the capability of others. It also provides links labeled "View Feed XML" and "SpringWidgets". The latter says "Embed this content on your site." What is the value of these links?

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