It seems to me like you could make a plexiglass box to put the camera in and mount it to the outside of your house and run power to it through a window.

Just an idea.

My posts don't seem to get through lately. Would someone please just comment if you see this?

Tom Piwowar wrote:
Someone tried to break into our house last week so I have been researching this and other security stuff recently. There are many options.

There are several brands of camera that have a built-in computer and web server. This would be a simple unit that each homeowner could get independently, but it could be managed centrally via the Internet. To keep it simple I suggest that everyone get the same unit.

I'm currently experimenting with the Panasonic BL-C1A. It costs $85. It is small (about 5x5x2 inches square with the lens on the 5x5 side) and not ugly (color is white). It does not look like a security camera. It has a very clever bracket that makes it easy to mount and aim.

The BL-C1A plugs into power and an Ethernet jack (the BL-C20A uses WiFi). The camera is managed entirely via Web browser so it can be managed remotely.

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