Photovoltaic solar panels are the sensible answer to unlimited backup for FIOS. They can be standard equipment with FIOS boxes. PV solar panels are small and will keep the backup batteries charged indefinitely, even on rainy days. The price for those panels is lower than some of the new cable/DSL/ADSL modems. Searched online and found one that retails at $44.99, and another for $37.95; will be much less if bundled with FIOS service boxes.

We can have all of this technology at a good price. Why not remove the oil subsidy from companies like Exxon-Mobile that have $40 billion net profit at our expense, and use it for incentives to telcos to boost our broadband system.

¡Sí, se puede!


Yes, but Verizon (and others) needs to develop a way to power phones
indefinitely when the electric grid goes down, i.e., with one big
generator at the central office or something else that works as well.
What's going to happen the first time there is a fire in a location
where no phones are working because the electric grid has been down
for 72 hours and all of the "backup" batteries died after four or so

Fred Holmes

At 08:35 PM 3/26/2008, Eric S. Sande wrote: OK, I'll come clean.  It
absolutely sucks to maintain a twisted-pair
(not even coax) copper network  Some, maybe a lot of it, is at or
 near its end of service life.  It makes absolutely no business
sense to continue to throw money at it, when the alternative is
more reliable, overcomes all of copper's distance and bandwidth
limitations, and allows for crushing the competition.

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