Bittorrent is peer to peer file sharing, it takes as long as it takes with
the connected users in the swarm who are uploading.  If the seeders, the
people who are uploading are connected on dialup it will take forever, if
they are on high speed then less.  The time it takes to download can change
drastically if just a few users join/leave the swarm.  The idea is to share
the bandwith.  Imagine the ubuntu linux distribution, the bandwith they
spend when all their users download the newest version, now you can use
bittorrent to get the newest ubuntu, thus spreading the load to users.  If
opera didn't support it, the file wouldn't have downloaded.


On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 5:21 PM, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was intrigued with several earlier posts here, first about free movie
> downloads in public domain and then about bittorrent.  So I decided to
> investigate.
> I found a web site that said that the web browser Opera supported
> bittorrent, so I went to a web site that had free downloads with
> bittorrent and tried to download one of them using Opera.  Downloading
> started after a message from Opera that bittorrent required permitting
> uploading the same file once it was downloaded, then asked for
> permission, and asked for limits to upload & download speed -- I
> selected no limit.  Didn't matter to me what the content of the
> bittorrent file was, just trying to see how it worked.  The download
> began of a 105 MB bittorrent file with an expected download time of 7
> hours.  The estimate has changed, after about 15 minutes, to 3 hours.
> I am connected with Cox cable to the internet.
> Questions:  Does Opera actually support bittorrent?  If so, why such a
> long time to download?  A 105 MB file would download in very much less
> time without bittorent.
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