I am no authority on these things but I think it's safe to rely on wikipedia for information about this sort of thing.
Apparently Firefox won't like it without a specific extension(windows and Linux only) but Thunderbird will.
Good old ms!

Constance Warner wrote:
My boss just sent me some documents downloaded from the Web via Internet
Explorer, to be posted on an online library site for association members
to see and download.

The documents are in MHTML format-whatever that is.  When you click on
them, they open in Internet Explorer.

As a rule, whenever I get downloaded webpages to be put in the online
library, I put them in a format that's easy for members to use and that
interfaces well with the online library website's architecture. I
usually copy and paste the content of a copied webpage into a Word
document.  I was able to get the content out of these documents using
this procedure; but some of the documents will have bells and whistles
that probably can't be expressed in Word.

So here's what I'm wondering: is there any way to open MHTML documents
with any other program (besides Internet Exploder)?  Is there any way to
make such documents into PDF documents?

And, most importantly, will the computers (of the people who use the
online library) be exposed to any danger when they are forced to use
Internet Exploder to open and read the documents?

For once, I'm not worried about copyright problems or the security of
the documents themselves-they're U.S. government documents, in the
public domain, and presumably safe.

--Constance Warner

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