My Zone Alarm version is 7.0.470

Larry Sacks wrote:
Ok...there's a couple of issues here.

I'll respond some now and more later...

What version of ZoneAlarm do you have?  I've got it at home and in case
they're the same (or close) I might be able to tell you exactly what to

But the basic problem is ZoneAlarm is blocking the connections.  If you
want to disable it but don't want to open your computers to the outside
world, just disconnect the Ethernet cable that goes between your cable
modem and your router.  Sure, you won't be able to surf the web, but at
least you won't have to worry about anything coming down the pipe...

But until you either disable it or change the settings in it, you're not
going to be able to share data between your systems.

Mo' later...


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