HAHAHAHA!  You are too funny Tom!  But you didn't use one of them cute
smileys, so it's hard to tell if you're being serious - as most of your
posts seem, or if you're saying a funny.  

If this is the later, then that's a downright knee slapper.  I literally
fell out of my chair when I read that...   :-D

But if it's the former, then I really have to start wondering about Mac
people.  Here I was thinking they were capable of independent thought
and didn't place such a high value on inanimate objects.  :-(

Hmm.. I drove past 2 AT&T Phone stores on my way into work today and saw
people lined up waiting for the store to open so they can be the first
to buy the new and improved iPhone.  What was it I was saying?  :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Computer Guys Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Piwowar
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 6:17 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Where's my computer?

>I also didn't realize Mac owners would be emotionally attached to their
>computers.  In my job, I use both Macs and PCs (yeah, I know... I've
>never 'fessed up that I'm a Mac person too).  But I don't feel any more
>emotional attachment to the Macs that I use than I do to my PC.  I see
>them both as work tools.  As I did with my typewriter back in the day
>when I used that. 

You didn't realize Mac owners would be emotionally attached to their 
computers? I think we must ask you to step over to the polygraph

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