> I've been looking around our local imax theaters to go see Dark Knight
> since this is one of the few movies actually shot and not converted
> for imax.  I don't know anything about the tech specs behind imax,
> just that it's big.  I've been hearing conflicting stories about the
> theaters here locally, mainly that we have one what is referred to as
> 'real' imax and then a few smaller ones.  Anyone know about the tech
> behind these theaters?  Are there several size variations?  I'm not
> speaking to the 3d ones...I don't think.

Your post actually forced me to check the wikipedia page.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imax  And, according to that, the movies
shot in that format do have a higher resolution than that of 70mm.

Last year, I watched Harry Potter (Order of the Phoenix) in an Imax
theater just because I happened to be in the Air&Space museum and it
was available.  When it began I noticed that the movie didn't use
the entire Imax screen.  Still it was so huge, I didn't notice that fact
for the rest of the movie.  For me, I wouldn't go looking for full-length
movies in Imax, but if I came across at a convenient place, I'd watch
(based on the movie, of course).

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