So what is the harm of a test message?  It isn't trying to defraud the 
recipient.  It takes no significant space on the hard drive.  The delete key 
readily dispatches it. The eye readily skips over it. The word "test" is 
readily filtered for blocking if you really don't want to see such messages at 
all.  It's just your secular religion's value system that says that test 
messages aren't to be sent.  I for one couldn't care less if test messages are 
sent.  I think your message complaining about the test message is a lot more 
irritating than the test message itself.  "If you can't say something nice 
don't say anything at all."  If my fellow list member's anxiety is relieved by 
sending a test message, I'm happy to receive the test message and thereby 
relieve his anxiety.

Fred Holmes

At 04:51 PM 8/14/2008, Tony B wrote:
>There's nothing hostile about educating people on how mailing lists
>work. How are they supposed to learn if no one tells them? He _sent_
>spam to the list, I _told_ him he sent spam to the list, and offered
>suggestions how to avoid same in future. No hostility intended or
>included; it's all in your mind.
>Every time the list goes quiet the number of posts asking if the list
>is working rises exponentially daily, and there's no need for it.
>On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 2:19 PM, b_s-wilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Or you might want to send a private message to a less hostile list member.
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