Note:  I'm not trying to start any massive discussions (although knowing
this group that's probably just a pipe dream)...


I got a frantic phone call last night.  A friend had bought her first
Mac and was having trouble with it.


She bought it because she read various reviews saying Macs are better
than PCs at working with digital images, etc.  She used to use a PC and
is still getting "warmed" up to her Mac.  

Here's a few of her choicer comments:


o "Using a Mac is like dealing with a bad boyfriend" (she didn't really
define what "bad" meant, but the definition she used had a good deal of
expletives in it).  


o "A Mac says, 'Ah... you want to do this, well, you need to do it
*this* way.  A PC says 'what do you want me to do?'"


o "I just want to email a photo I just imported.  I don't want to email
my iphoto library!"



I told her when she was making her comments that her comments could be
considered heresy by Mac-believers.   


Larry :-)

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