VPN is of course the answer, if you really MUST perform 'sensitive'
tasks from unsecured networks. But personally, I can hold off doing my
online banking until I get home. Normal websurfing and gmail I just
don't worry about. Though I _do_ always use 'https' for gmail.

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 6:40 PM, Fred Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sure appreciate someone explaining this to me...
> trying to figure a way to make a public wireless connection secure for
> checking email, logging in to sensitive sites etc. seems like the nature of
> public wireless is that all is transmitted in the clear. would be great to
> be able to use wpa, but many hotels and convenient wireless internet don't
> seem to offer encryption. is there any way to protect wireless transmission
> on a public connection?
> also seems that this issue should be same for pc or mac, no?
> thanks for any help

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