Tom Piwowar wrote:
I am developing a web site. I found that Chrome -- I downloaded just for testing -- apparently does not recognize the embed statement in html. While embed is not standard html, it is how audio and video gets played on a web site. Firefox, IE, and Opera all recognize embed.

Actually, to reliably incorporate media files you have to use both the embed and object tags. The so called "twice cooked" method. Have you tried that?

The web site that I am developing used only the "embed" and the "noembed" tags, but I have now modified with both object and embed. This I haven't uploaded yet. The reason is that I am now unsure what player to specify to open the downloaded mp3 file. Should I specify Quicktime or MS Media Player or some other? I need to find out if it is possible to have no specification when using the object tag.

Any source info to help me out?

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