At 02:20 PM 09/08/2008 -0700, mike wrote is.

I didn't say you could get it on the cheapest laptop at Best Buy.   I just
said it was available.  You deny it's available and then in the next
sentence admit it is.

I'm done here.  If all you want is to play semantics, that's enough for me.

I'm starting to agree with Tom. If I have to buy new software every time MS decides it's time for a change, I might as well tackle the learning curve from Mac. If most businesses are refusing to use Vista, it's not a very good recommend for those of us out here who just want a computer that works.

Right now I'm tearing my hair out trying to understand how to teach newbies to use a computer. Most of them are seniors, who are not of a mind to replace equipment and software all the time. Nor can I replace mine all the time just to be able to teach them.

I hope you remember all this when you're older and on a fixed income. Perhaps we're all expected to remain up on the cutting edge or simply give up on life when we retire?


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