On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Kelly J. Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> When I originally dragged and dropped my data from my Linux partition to
> the external drive (formatted FAT32), I dragged folders that were created in
> Linux ext2 but that contained .doc, .txt, .html, .pdf, and .jpg files. When
> I subsequently saved my Windows folders to the same external HD, they must
> have overwritten the folders created in ext2. I assume that if I had simply
> copied all the files, sans folders created in ext2, to the HD, this might
> not have happened.

Doesn't matter what file system the files were on originally.  You wrote to
the FAT32 drive from both Linux and Windows.

There could be more esoteric reasons (like you turned off the hard drive
while writing was still happening), the most common reason why the files
would be overwritten is because they have the same names.  FAT32 is not case

You are probably safe booting from the hard drive since this is an external,
but you might also want to have a few bootable CDs, like the Ultimate Boot
CD (http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/) or Trinity Rescue (
http://trinityhome.org/Home/index.php?wpid=1&front_id=12), or one of many
others - you should get some good recommendations here.

I downloaded TestDisk at
http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Downloadand got the version
for Linux ext3 to install in Ubuntu 8.041 . The filename
> is testdisk-6.10.linux26.tar.bz2 and I downloaded it to my Desktop.
> Ftrom there, I'm stuck. Although everyone says it's easy, I don't have a
> good track record untarring tarred files. Some step-by-step advice about
> untarring and installing, begining with Step 2 (Step 1 being "Turn on your
> computer" - I got that covered! <grin>) would be greatly appreciated.

2.  Boot to Ubuntu and log in.

If you are comfortable with the command line, here is a set of steps.  Some
of these steps you should do as root, but I forget which ones.  If any of
them don't work at first, replace "x" with "sudo x" and type in your own
password when prompted.

3.  Start a terminal session (I forget the exact command in Ubuntu, but it
should be under System or Utilities, might be called terminal or console).

4.  I like to install software in /opt, but it is up to you where you
install it, maybe under /home/kelly or the like.  In which case "mkdir /opt"
followed by "cd /opt"

5.  Copy the tar file to /opt.  "cp
/home/kelly/testdisk-6.10.linux26.tar.bz2 /opt"

6.  Untar it - it should create its own directory.  "tar jxvf

7.  Look for the new directory - it should show up in your screen since I
added "v" for verbose, but just see what you have anyway.  "ls -l"

8.  Change to the directory.  "cd testdisk-6.10/linux"

9.  Choose whether to run photorec (recover photos) "sudo
./photorec_static"  or testdisk (recover partitions) "sudo

You know, I just looked there, and I don't think it will do what you want,
either one.

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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