>Regulated public utilities worked well.  It limited the ability of 
>utilities to just raise rates to increase returns, and limited them 
>to request rate increases when they could prove increased costs.

Regulated public utilities stopped working well when their regulators got 
politicized by the neo-cons. Look at the FCC. This was once run by 
manager-engineer types whose goal was to make the technology work to the 
benefit of the owners of the airwaves (and those owners were the American 
people). Then the neo-con jihad replaced the manager-engineer types with 
sleasy pols. Their goal was to help jack up the share prices of megacorps 
owned by friends and contributors. Ditto for the financial regulators.

We need to get the pols back out of the regulatory agencies and put 
engineers, scientists, economists, and other smart people in charge.

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