My VHS VCR of about 10 years just died, and my VCR with S-VHS appears likely to die shortly.

Oh! All my tapes of my children that I intended to transfer to DVD from 20 years ago but never did may be lost; recording the latest presidential debate tonight might not happen if the S-VHS fails.

For TV, I have both a roof-top antenna and a satellite dish. The roof-top antenna delivers a better picture than satellite, plus I can receive distant TV stations that I can't receive with satellite.

I am aware that (1) analog TV is nearly over, and (2) TiVo is a digital recorder alternative. But my understanding of TiVo is that is mostly a rental arrangement with monthly payments. I am paying almost $300 per month already in digital stuff (cell phones, $130 or more; satellite TV $80; internet $45; ground phone $45), so I don't want to add more monthly payments to what I used to get for free.

Question: can you tell an old fuddy-duddy where to learn about what options might be available for digital VCRs, that are actually owned by me instead of rented, to record off the satellite and off the coming digital signals? An ability to play analog VHS would be a plus. (So far I still have a Beta recorder.)

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