Maybe I misunderstand, but are you asking about a GPS?

I have a Garmin and like it very much. There are many ways to plan a trip. There is an extensive list of places -- universities, restaurants, churches, theaters, gas stations, and very many more that may be selected as a destination. Of course, any address can be entered and saved for the future. The device displays a map and gives ample driving directions audibly as you drive along the route. If you detour from the route, the device will automatically recalculate a new route.

There is no subscription needed to use the maps and driving instructions. There is an optional device that may be attached which communicates with an external radio to offer advice about traffic conditions so that an alternate route can be selected if desired -- I don't have this and can't comment about its effectiveness. The map supplied covers US and Canada. Other maps may be purchased at a price of about $120 each, such as Europe or Asia.

Maps are not updated. Over time, new roads are created and perhaps some are closed. A new map must be purchased for $120 when the old one becomes out of date. I've had mine for 4 years and have not updated.

The only time I had trouble getting a satellite reception was in New York city among many skyscrapers. After I got a few blocks away the signal became available.

Almost all brands of GPS use either one of two maps that they purchase from a vendor. My daughter has a Tom Tom that uses the map from the different supplier of maps. When I drive to their house on the river in southern Virginia, my Garmin plots a trip going the fastest way -- hers plots a different path that is not as fast. I believe it is the map that makes the difference.

The only thing that gives me a problem with my Garmin is the suction cup. The cup tends to loose suction when it is in direct sunlight.

As for connecting to a computer, I don't know. I don't know why I would like to connect to a computer if it can be done.

Wayne Dernoncourt wrote:
Tom Piwowar
You should not just look at the purchase price. Also factor
in the annual subscription price and/or the cost of software

Also do they support Mac's?  I can't convince my wife to
switch though so maybe she'll let me use her computer...
Subscription?  to what?  how often do they update maps?
Does the unit stop working if you don't have a subscription?

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