In the early days of Comcast (originally @Home) I think a lot of
people used their Comcast e-mail just to let people know they had it,
because it was the only broadband available.

When I got it 5 years ago, it seemed natural to start using it for
strictly personal e-mail, although I continued to use my Juno account
for everything else.

What surprised me is that over the subsequent 5 years, there has been
absolutely no enhancement to the e-mail.  Even when was
overhauled substantially, the e-mail didn't change.  It seemed as
though they didn't really want customers to use it.

I can easily see why they're having problems now.

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 10:45 AM, Jeff Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When Comcast started their ham-fisted spam filtering that would block
> half of the CGUYS messages, I switched most things over to Gmail.  I

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