I have been out of town... and missed this conversation... the responses were off track.

The TiVo lifetime contract is a gamble... $300 and no monthly payments, but only for the lifetime of your DVR. TiVo currently only offers lifetime contracts for the newer HD DVR's (Series 3) (works with older TV's as well). The Lifetime contract is for the life of the unit you purchased.. more specifically the ID in the BIOS chip on the motherboard. There is a third party company that will fix your TiVo, even down to transferring the TiVo units ID number to another motherboard if necessary, but this is at your expense (usually around $100 to $200 depending on the problem). I have used them to reimage the HDD in the past.. they also provide replacment and upgrade HDD's for your TiVo already loaded with the TiVo software.

- Brian
  (2) series II TiVo's upgraded to 300 hours, one with lifetime contract

We have gone for a while with no contract, just monthly payments (at
full freight).  I would like to set up a contract, but before doing
so, I would like to know what would happen if our current box were to
fail or become woefully obsolete (I am assuming it can't handle HD)
before the end of the contract.

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