coffee isn't good for dogs! you shouldn't let them drink coffee!!!   ;-)

Tom Piwowar wrote:
One of our dogs spilled coffee on my wife's Powerbook G3 keyboard (Bronze keyboard). Now a few of the keys don't work. I know I can pick a keyboard for it off ebay, but where can I get instructions on how to replace it?

I have not worked with that specific model, but Every PoweBrook keyboard I have ever worked with is about the same. Two spring-loaded tabs at the top release the keyboard. Underneath is a ribbon cable that connects to the motherboard. Just do the obvious. (Even my low-tech, theater-major son was able to fix his G3 laptop without asking me any questions.)

If you are giving up on the keyboard you might as well try stronger medicine. Disconnect it from the computer and give it a good wash in distilled water. Give it a good dry with a hair dryer and then let it sit for a couple of days to dry further. You may find that it works fine after that. Or you may find that you have totally ruined it.

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