On Nov 23, 2008, at 1:53 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

"Windows 7: Microsoft's secret weapon against Google"

Apparently MS is removing several very popular "free" applications from Win7 (like Mail). To get the "free" software back MS is herding sheeple
over to Windows Live. I suppose the goal is to artificially inflate
traffic to a service that would otherwise be of questionable popularity.
(I guess "Live Search Cashback" wasn't a hit.)

Does that qualify as an underhanded, manipulative dirty trick? I think so.

When is Windows 7 supposed to be released? I ask this because MS is pushing Vista pretty hard via advertising these days. Are they trying to convince PC users to go out and buy Vista right now, and then shortly be faced with having to make a decision about buying an upgrade to 7?


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