On Dec 3, 2008, at 2:28 PM, Judy Cosler wrote:

any recommendations for a turntable to convert vinyl to digital format?

any that I should stay away from?

want easy, fast; don't want to have to tinker with.
but, i don't want hum or other bad things.
i'm no audiophile really!

I use a "real" turntable, an old school one, hooked up to a stereo amplifier and couple that to my USB port using a Griffin iMic by using the tape outputs of the stereo amp. Griffin has some free software that allows any old school turntable to connect directly to the iMic, providing proper equalization to the audio signal with the need for having to go through a stereo amp or preamp in order to achieve said equalization. I just do not like their software as it is not very controllable or flexible enough for my taste.

There are USB turntables available, but I do not know how good their cartridges are. That is why I use my old stereo component turntable, because it has a very high quality cartridge. Perhaps one can put any cartridge of their choice into a modern USB turntable, I just don't know.


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