On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 7:52 AM, Judy Cosler <jcos...@starpower.net> wrote:

> and, something I don't understand is why pets & people are different!
> they are also different if you use a red eye pen on a printed photo!
> Tony B wrote:
>> Oddly, the only really good red-eye tool I've ever seen is in (I
>> think, IIRC) Corel's Paint Shop Pro ( http://tinyurl.com/72x7dj ). It
>> actually contains several human and animal eye templates you can use.
>> Photoshop has a red-eye tool which often works fairly well with
>> people, but rarely works at all for pets.
>> Since this is such a common problem, one would think more programs
>> would spend more effort on it.
>> On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 5:55 PM, Judy Cosler <jcos...@starpower.net>
>> wrote:
>>> With Picasa, I can't get good results for getting rid of red eye.
>>> anybody have other software to recommend which is good with dog red eyes,
>>> people red eyes?
The structures of the eye are different enough that they reflect different
colors.  I suspect that the color vision differences are puzzled out from
the different mixes of rods and cones on the retina.

John Duncan Yoyo

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