I detest mac mail.  I don't understand why I can't change it from the default 
when I click on a webpage to send an email and damn damn damn mac mail opens.  

I think the best solution is to go to my friend's house and install Thunderbird for her. If I tell her, she'll do something else. Last time I suggested switching from Outlook Express to Thunderbird, she switched to Mac Mail. To get her on the right track, I'll offer to clean up her computer. Looks easy to move email and addresses to Thunderbird from Mail, http://www.mozilla.org/support/thunderbird/faq#mail.app

Until then, are there settings I can change, or do I have to go into the guts [package, terminal] of the program to make changes? Mac Mail is pathetic. Apple really got that wrong.

WFB!!! See!! I use Macs. I love Macs!!! They're wonderful. Just bought a new iMac and a used G5. Happy Happy Joy Joy!! _I HATE Mac Mail_ [almost as much as I detest OE]. :-D


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