I recalled something from TomTom. According to the TomTom web site, new TomTom products support Map Share (tm). To quote from http://www.tomtom.com/page/mapshare: "TomTom’s unique Map Share technology enhances your navigation experience, letting you make instant corrections to your map directly on your TomTom device. You can also receive similar corrections made by the entire TomTom community of Map Share users." One does this by connecting the unit to TomTom Home software running on Windows or Mac.

It sounds like a partial solution for map updates if you are part of the "community." Does anyone have any experience with it?

The web site also says they sell map updates, which I think may be free for the first twelve months on purchases of new units (but I don't know - I had trouble finding details during the quick look I took). Sorry this response isn't more definitive.


Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
It is not so easy.

Garmin, TomTom and others buy their maps from a couple of companies. TeleAtlas, Navteq etc. These maps are only updated every few years!!!!

Right now if I punch in the street address for my church it sends me 1.5 miles down the road. Reason for this is that 6 years ago they redid all the street addresses for E911. Before they were a mess. If I put in the old street address it finds it dead on. Just this past summer I saw a van from TeleAtlas in the area doing some remapping. So I expect some change in the next couple of years.

If you live in a highly populated area expect your map to be more up to date etc. Again density and population determines how often your area is remapped by these companies. (who then sell these remapped areas to another company etc. etc.)

Oh I can download updated Points of Interest from the TomTom site. Some are done by the company (Home Depot etc.) and are more accurate and up to date.


At 02:10 PM 1/20/2009, you wrote:
I've got a Garmin and have generally been amused, but somewhat disappointed by what it thinks it knows and doesn't know.

It knows where Home Depots are located, just not the one that's 15 minutes from me (that's been in the same location since the late 1980s). It suggests I drive 2+ hours to find one. The same goes for Trader Joes and a slew of other places. A local hospital moved 2 years ago and last year's map didn't know about it. It doesn't even know where the Costco that it came from is located.

On the amusing side, it knows the abbreviation "SC" stands for South Carolina. I programmed in a location for a business with "SC" in the name. It tells me, "now arriving at South Carolina...."

It knows how to read street names for the most part. Expressway is...well Expressway, but Expwy is "ex-pweee"

Also, it is rather amusing that if you program it for "shortest distance", the directions will take you off the freeway, onto the exit ramp and then back onto the freeway again. Apparently that's .0001 miles shorter than just staying on the freeway.

I called Garmin and the kind person I spoke with (after waiting on hold for 30+ minutes) didn't understand how it doesn't know the various locations. That was with updated maps too.

I suspect businesses have to pay to have their locations identified?


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL SL 82

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