Thanks Vicky.  That worke and was what I wanted to know.


Vicky Staubly wrote:
On Fri, 13 Feb 2009, Stephen Brownfield wrote:
How to I cancel/delete a job from the printing Queue in Fedora?

Do you see a little printer icon in the top bar of your desktop?
If so, click on that (just once) and a window should pop up with your
jobs in it. Right click on the one you want to cancel, and select the
Cancel menu item. If you don't see the job, try selecting "Show completed
jobs" in the "View" menu. If it shows up then, the complete document
may have been sent to the printer (or print server), and it's no longer
on your machine.

If not, then open up a Terminal window, and type "lpq -a". (The "-a"
tells it to show jobs queued up for all printers... if you have only
one defined, you can omit that part.) If you see the job you want in that list, look at the jobs number on the left, and (assuming it's 123) type "lprm 123".

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