Got news for's already all chinese....been that way for decades.
The motherboard in those Apples is chinese...or Taiwanese at least.   Online
vendors are still in business...we still have Fry's here locally for other
purchases as well as a wholesale dealer I buy from.

Heard the MSI wind is the perfect netbook for installing a full update
capable version of OS X.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:14 PM, rleesimon <> wrote:

> are we gonna see some emerge what with circuitcity gone (well, going,going)
> and I assume bestbuy to follow ...either you get chinese stuff from walmart
> or else find a builder ...of course, there are lots of online spots where
> you can do it too ...also, you can get plennya online advice and buy the
> parts and a screwdriver and static bracelet and you save $$$ but have
> nobody
> to bellyache to when it goes boom!  I also see some are buying these cheap
> 10" netbooks (MSI,IBM,Sylvania) etc and they wipe out windows (they're
> sellin' cheap under $400 with 160gb and 16 with 1.5-1.6 speed cpus) and
> then
> they throw osX on it and get the drivers they need off the net and they've
> got a poorman mac ...waddaya thinka that?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Piwowar []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 10:46 AM
> Subject: Re: DC or suburbs rec
> >DC or suburbs rec for system builders.
> The shop I used to go to in Clarendon, Allnet, is gone. At one time there
> were 4 such shops in the Clarendon area. Now all gone. Killed by high
> rents, the superstores, and the Internet.
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