Less then 365 days it seems...since he did the same thing last year.

That said developing the code for these guys is easy, it's finding the
exploit.  Apparently there are enough exploits in safari/IE/firefox that
multiple people can take multiple shots at multiple exploits they have found
studying the code.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 3:29 PM, Tom Piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> >Actually, it didn't take nearly that long. According to ComputerWorld:
> >"Charlie Miller, a security researcher who hacked a Macintosh in two
> minutes
> >last year at CanSecWest's PWN2OWN contest, improved his time today by
> >breaking into another Macintosh in under 10 seconds." After that, Miller
> >said, "I did a few things to show that I had full control of the Mac."
> I expect that "under 10 seconds" means he arrived with pre-written code
> that he executed on the computers. How long did it take him to develop
> that code?
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