Since I am an idiot, I will respond.

I put Win7 beta on my laptop 2 months ago (on a new internal drive). It performed so much faster than my XP, I left it there and have used it for email, browsing, iTunes, done backups, traveled with it, used Bluetooth, and many other functions. I have had zero problems running anything.

My usage is typical of a great many average users of a PC. For my purposes, it is ready for release.

Disclaimer 1: My desktop is my main machine and I would not put Win7 beta on it.

Disclaimer 2: I am no MS fanboi; I have detested MS ever since they abandoned my beloved OS/2 with IBM and killed it in place of the far inferior NT. Many other reasons not to like them.

However, MS seems to have gotten Win7 right, and I can't believe that I will actually pay for it when it is available. (Since the cost of the OS is such a large portion of a desktop, I'll take the opportunity to get a new one with Win7).

Chris Dunford wrote:
Then you would agree that anyone who does their daily work with beta
software is an idiot.

Step two: Would you act on any recommendation provided by an idiot?

This is too ridiculous to even warrant a response.

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