>You folks have danced around this thing in every conceivable way. She's an 
>actress. She didn't go into the store (which you don't know). Her HP is 
>too heavy (it's certainly heavier than the equivalent Mac, which doesn't 
>exist). It's an old model (it's not). She should've gotten an iMac (to 
>take to class?). She should've gotten a Linux netbook. She should've 
>somehow gotten a $2,800 MacBook Pro with her $1,000. Her taste is 

Yes thinking and analysis instead of following the party line is going to 
be distrubing to WFBs. That is probably why you are WFBs.

I think it has been amply demonstrated that the premise and conclusion of 
the ad are quite false and demonstrate the stupidest sort of computer 
buyer. As much as you WFBs want to dance around the issues, Lauren made a 
big mistake.

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