I would be hard pressed to find a laptop that competes with Apple on the
looks of the machine.  The new laptops are exceptional looking.  But they
aren't 1000 dollars more exceptional looking then competing specs for me.
MS is fighting apple in the area it can...cost of hardware, Apple margins
are gigantic, other hardware manufacturers, not so much.


There is a high end dell, appears to be good build quality, has the price
tag to claim it does anyway.  If I had two grand to spend on a laptop I have
to say it would be a hard decision between that and a mac.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Jeff Wright <jswri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >  It is likely that for the most part Macintosh machines are of higher
> > quality in terms of component parts than are far less expensive
> > similarly sized and outfitted machines designed and marketed for the
> > Windows OS.  It is very difficult for me to believe that a $700
> > computer will be of equivalent build quality as a $1,700 computer in
> > most instances.
> Then you have played right into their hands.  I regualrly use
> sub-$1,000 laptops that are extemely well built and reliable.
> Lexus is very worried about Hyundai's new luxury models, escpecially
> the new Genesis, which cost a fraction of what a Lexus cost.  They
> should be worried, as Hyundai is eating their lunch by competing
> directly with them on quality and selling for much less.  The only
> factor left to overcome for Hyundai is the cachet factor.
> Dell has been doing this for years and is equal in quality to Apple.
> Happily for Dell customers, saving money is more af an issue than
> pumping cachet.
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