> Do you think old-timers aren't providing sources because they are giving
first-person accounts?
> http://aaxnet.com/topics/msinc.html
> "1982 - Digital Research sues Microsoft and IBM - Wins - It was obvious
> MS-DOS and its PC-DOS variant were simply rip- offs of Digital
> Research's
> CP/M operating system. It remained only to prove it contained DR code.
> DR's Gary Kildall sat down at an IBM PC supplied by IBM and, using a
> secret code, got it to pop up a Digital Research copyright notice. It's
> case won, Digital Research received monetary compensation and the right
> to clone MS-DOS. This is why Microsoft never sued DR over DR-DOS, but
> used every other means to destroy it. The settlement was under a strict
> non- disclosure agreement, so few even know DR sued, never mind that
> they
> won."

Yeah, I see this one is big on supporting documentation too.

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