No special software should be needed. I use a logitech trackman marble (a track ball) and have used mice as well. They just worked. What mouse are you using?

If you are doing a p2v conversion of an already activated copy it should not prove an issue. One good way is to hook up an external drive and p2v it under Windows (with VMware's free utility) to that drive. Then just copy the VM over to your Mac once back in OS X.


On Apr 13, 2009, at 5:15 PM, Fred Jones wrote:

I ended up using Bootcamp and installed Windows XP without any trouble on my new Macbook Pro. Everything seems fine except I don't seem to have a right mouse button when I'm in Windows XP. I understand that shift-F10 is a keyboard shortcut,but I would really like to use the mouse for this. I noticed a freeware program called Apple Mouse Utility that might work? Does anyone have any suggestions for enabling right mouse action in Windows XP? I was also wondering if I tried to run Windows XP using VirtualBox,Fusion or Parallels if Microsoft Windows XP activation would have a problem since I already validated XP on a separate partition. Seems that the license should allow using Windows XP both ways since it would be installed on the same computer? Not quite a MFB yet, but I will say so far everything just works on the Mac side and the MBP is a very cool computer.
As always - Thanks for any help!

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