This is what is known in the UNIX world as an "honor virus". You have to put in place software you know to be illegitimate and give it administrative access to install, or do something otherwise known to be self destructive.

If I were dumb enough to do this I could discover that shock of shock my enterprise heavily firewalled role restricted servers are vulnerable.

Got root / admin + malware = got security issue.


On Apr 17, 2009, at 11:18 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) wrote:

Mac owners who downloaded pirated ("free") versions of iWork '09 and
Photoshop CS4 - said to be 20,000 downloads - also received the
iServices trojan.  The trojan has reportedly begun to activate for DSS
attacks.  Details:

Don't much pity those who d/l pirated software, but it is disturbing to
see OS X vulnerabilities exploited (even though this trojan requires
human stupidity to actually install it).

Thank you,

Mark Snyder

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