I was going by real world experience and my experience.

I get PPT presentations from other along with spread sheets and documents. Often the problem is with the file not the program.

PPT is one of those programs where you can imbed a lot of junk. It is often that junk that caused the PPT to crash and not the program.

Just one persons real world experience not born of inbred prejudice.


At 02:04 PM 5/22/2009, you wrote:
>9 times out of 10 when an MS office program crashes it has to do with
>the file it is loading or using than the program itself.

*11 times out of 10 when an M$ program crashes it is not M$'s fault.*

I just don't buy that. I see really, really bad engineering leading to a
defective, buggy, virus-infested product. Risky to travel with.

If I were traveling with a net book running Windows I would want to also
bring along an extra drive to back up my files. And a CD like the
Ultimate Book Disk with anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-hijack, disk
recovery utilities, etc. etc. would also be nice, except that most net
books do not include a CD drive.

Maybe you want to bring a spare net book?

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
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