On Jun 21, 2009, at 12:52 PM, db wrote:
File Metadata is a wonderful thing but it seems to me unless you are using it yourself for yourself, like professional photogs do, it opens opens up a whole indexing discipline can of worms. Classical filing by location, filename or date, automatically imposes a simple system and discipline to the project from the start. It seems to me that people .. run of the mill employees, volunteers etc are more likely to understand and perform, file naming and folder distribution than they are to reliably and uniformly tag files.

Things things you list are tags. In some systems many of these can even be applied automatically.

Additional tags may or may not make a mess. Some people name their folders poorly and scatter them in various locations on their hard drive, server, cloud etc. I don't see how tags would be any worse. They could potentially be better because they would work even it situations where the folder organization was a mess.

The most important tags are often about the people in the photos. It is interesting that Apple added face recognition to iPhoto to do precisely that. For a version 1.0 product it ain't bad.

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